Dr. Frank Antonawich
Antonawich, F.J. (2018) Neuro-Metabolic Protection and Support for Mitochondrial Damage and Dysfunction. Advanced Applications in Medical Practice (AAMP), Scottsdale, AZ.
Antonawich, F.J. (2017) Enhancing Cellular Respiration with Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex: Poly MVA. Tripping Over the Truth Conference (Invited Speaker), Baltimore, MD.
Antonawich, F.J. (2017) Targeting Cancer Metabolic Dysfunction. Advanced Applications in Medical Practice (AAMP), Portland, OR.
Szema, A.M., Lin, D., Li, J.C., Razi, R., Qamar, N. Levine, L., Zimmerman, T. Hamidi, S.A., Schmidt, M., Golightly, M.G., Rueb, T., Harrington, Garnett, M., Miller, E.G., Antonawich, F. (2017) Rux Largely Restores Lungs in Iraq PM-Exposed Mice, Up-Regulating Regulatory T Cells (Tregs). American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 195: A3879.
Antonawich, F.J. (2016) Poly MVA: A Strategy to Address Neoplastic Metabolic Anaplasia. International Organization of Integrative Medicine Conference, San Diego, CA.
Antonawich, F.J. (2015) Palladium Lipoic Acid Complex: A Non-Toxic Radiation Protection and Mitigation Agent. Conference on Normal Tissue Radiation Effects and Countermeasures (CONTREC), Morrilton, AR.
Antonawich, F.J. (2015) Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex: A METABOLICALLY-TARGETED ADJUNCT FOR CANCER THERAPY International Organization of Integrative Cancer Physicians Conference, Reno, NV.
Antonawich, F.J. (2014) Poly-MVA: A Metabolically-Targeted Integrative Agent. International Organization of Integrative Cancer Physicians Conference, Reno, NV.
Antonawich, F.J. (2012) Poly MVA: An Effective Approach to Treating Cancer, Stroke & Increasing Quality of Life. 40th Cancer Control Society Convention, Los Angeles, CA.
Antonawich, F.J., Garnett, M. (2012) Palladium Lipoic Acid Complex: A Non-Toxic Metabolically Targeted Chemotherapy Molecule. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Bellevue, WA.
Antonawich, F.J. (2011) Palladium Lipoic Acid Complex: A Metabolically Targeted Cancer Therapy. Advances in Integrative Medicine Conference. Orlando, FL.
Blick, G. and Antonawich, F.J. (2010) Combating HIV-Associated Fatigue using a Palladium Alpha-Lipoic Acid (PdLA) Complex. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). San Francisco, CA.
Krishnan, C.V., Garnett, M., Antonawich, F. (2010) Palladium α-Lipoic Acid Complex: A Multispectrum Nontoxic Chemotherapeutic Agent. World Conference on Cancer 2010 Kottayam, Kerala, India.
Blick, G. and Antonawich, F.J. (2010) Evaluation of a Palladium Alpha-Lipoic Acid (PdLA) Complex in HIV/AIDS Patients with Chronic Fatigue. XVIII International AIDS Conference Vienna, Austria.
Antonawich, F.J. (2008) Providing Integrative Energy in Cancer & Ischemia: Metabolically Targeted Therapy. XVI International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine,Las Vegas, NV.
Antonawich, F.J. (2008) Metabolically Targeted Therapy in Disease. American Association of Critical Care Nurses Conference, Long Island, NY.
Antonawich, F.J. (2007) The Metabolic Role of Palladium Lipoic Acid Complex: Mitochondrial Health and Subsequent Regulation of Cellular Death, American College for Advancement in Medicine, Phoenix AZ.
Antonawich, F.J. (2006) Palladium Lipoic Complex: The Role of this Selective Metabolic Modulator in Cancer, XIV International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine, Las Vegas, NV.
Antonawich, F.J. (2006) Palladium Lipoic Complex Utilizes Energy to Modulate Programmed Cell Death. XIV International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine , Chicago, IL.
Antonawich, F.J. (2006) Palladium Lipoic Complex (Poly MVA) Regulation of Cell Death. World Organization of Natural Medicine Conference , Nassau, Bahamas.
Antonawich, F.J. (2006) A Combination of Antioxidant Activity & an Energy Source is an Effective Strategy in the Regulation of Degenerative Diseases. CAM East , New York, NY.
Antonawich, F.J. (2006) Palladium Lipoic Complex: Regulation of Cancer and Stroke Cell Death. XIII International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine , Orlando, FL.
Antonawich, F.J. (2005) Poly MVA Induced Regulation of Cell Death in Cancer and Stroke. XII International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine , Chicago, IL.
Antonawich, F.J. (2005) A Combination of Antioxidant Activity and an Alternative Energy Source is an Effective Anti-Ischemic Strategy, XIII International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine , Las Vegas, NV.
Antonawich, F.J. (2005) Lipoic Acid Palladium Complex: The Use of Energy in the Regulation of Cell Death in Cancer and Stroke. PRE-CONFERENCE, XIII International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine , Las Vegas, NV.
Antonawich, F.J. (2005) Poly MVA Provides Energy to Alter Cell Death. Nevada Homeopathic and Integrative Medicine Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Antonawich, F.J. (2005) Poly MVA: Modulates Cancer Cell Death. 33rd Cancer Control Society Convention, Los Angeles, CA.
Antonawich, F.J. (2005) Poly MVA Induced Regulation of Cell Death in Cancer and Stroke. XII International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine , Chicago, IL.
Antonawich, F.J. (2005) Palladium Lipoic Complexes: New Science Shows How Cancer, Stroke and Aging Are Impacted and Influenced By Cellular Energy Production. International Natural Foods & Health Expo, Cleveland Health Museum, Cleveland, OH.
Antonawich, F.J. (2004) Poly MVA: Mechanism of Apoptotic Action. Meeting- Department of Oncology, Florida Hospital, Orlando, FL.
Antonawich, F.J. (2004) Effective Regulation of Cell Death in Cancer and Stroke: Palladium Lipoic Compounds. Meeting of the International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM), Atlanta, GA.
Antonawich, F.J. (2004) Poly MVA: Cellular Energy Production Utilized to Impact Cancer, Stroke and Aging. Conference of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP), Seattle, WA.
Antonawich, F.J., Forsythe, J.W.M. (2004) The Effects of the Palladium Lipoic Acid Compound, Poly MVA, in Cancer and Stroke. XII International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine- A4M, Las Vegas, NV.
Antonawich, F.J. (2004) Modulation of Ischemic and Cancer Cell Death Using Poly MVA
American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) Conference, San Diego, CA.
Antonawich, F.J. (2004) Palladium Lipoic Acid Compound, Poly MVA, Modulation of Ischemic Cell Death. XI International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine – A4M, Chicago, IL.
Antonawich, F.J., Welicky,L.M., Fiore, S.M. (2004) Regulation of Ischemic Cell Death using the Lipoic Acid Palladium Complex, Poly MVA. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract # 379.3.
Antonawich, F.J. and Welicky, L.M. (2003) Neuroprotective Effects of the Lipoic Acid Palladium Complexes in Stroke and Cerebral Ischemia. New Dimensions in Health & Medicine Conference, Abstract, Phoenix, AZ.
Antonawich, F.J., Fiore, S.M. (2001) Alterations in the bcl-2 family of apoptotic regulatory proteins in huntington’s disease transgenic mice. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #432.12.
Antonawich, F.J., Fiore, S.M., Davis, J.N. (2000) Glucocorticoid receptor expression and response in hippocampal progenitor cells. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #24.2.
Davis, J.N., Welicky,L.M., Antonawich, F.J., (2000) Notch-3 expression is decreased in gerbil hippocampus after transient global ischemia. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #281.7.
Parker, C.P., Fiore, S.M., Antonawich, F.J. (2000) Modulation of apoptotic regulatory proteins and ear activation of cytochrome c in rats following systemic administration of 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP). Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #579.7.
Antonawich, F.J., Towner, M., Calandrella,C., Fiore, S.M., Davis, J.N. (1999) Glucocorticoid and ACTH modulation of hippocampal progenitor cells. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #738.23, 25:1852.
Antonawich, F.J., Fiore, S.M. Davis, J.N. (1998) The effects of a Lipoic Acid / Palladium complex on hippocampal progenitor cells. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #857.10, 24:2161.
Antonawich, F.J., Reed, M., Tegtmeyer, P., Scheffer, S.R., Davis, J.N. (1998) Neuronal gene delivery of a truncated p53 fragment using a herpes simplex virus (HSV). American Society of Gene Therapy, Seattle, WA.
Antonawich, F.J., Federoff, H., Reed, J.C., Krajewski, S., Davis, J.N. (1996) Ischemic CA1 hippocampal neurons express bax and can be rescued by bcl-2 induction with a herpes simplex (HSV) amplicon. Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C.
Antonawich, F.J., Melton, C.S., Wu, P., Davis, J.N. (1996) Nesting behavior as an indicator of hippocampal ischemic damage. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C.
Antonawich, F.J., Wu, P., Davis, J.N. (1995) Reduction of ischemic CA1 hippocampal damage in gerbils following Org 2766 treatment . Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #94.13, 21:212.
Antonawich, F.J., Wu, P., Davis, J.N. (1995) RU 38486 and an ACTH 4-9 analog regulate the rate of ischemic CA1 pyramidal cell death. National Association of EMS Physicians: Cerebral Resusitation, Naples, Florida.
Antonawich, F.J., Wu, P., Davis, J.N. (1995) Regulation of ischemic hippocampal damage following ACTH treatment. American Heart Association: Stroke Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina.
Antonawich, F.J., Azmitia, E.C. Strand, F.L. (1994) Specificity vs redundancy of melanocortins in nerve regeneration. Winter Neuropeptide Conference, Breckenridge, Colorado.
Antonawich, F.J., Azmitia, E.C., Strand, F.L. (1993) The neurotrophic effects of Org 2766 (an ACTH 4-9 analog) after nigrostriatal lesioning. Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusettes.
Antonawich, F.J., Akbari, H.M., Azmitia, E.C., Strand, F.L. (1992) The protective effects of an ACTH 4-9 analog, Org 2766, on 6-OHDA lesioning of the substantia nigra. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #271.11, 18:629.
Strand, F.L., Zuccarelli, L.A., Williams, K.A., Lee, T.S., Lee, S.J., Antonawich, F.J., Alves, S.E. (1992) Melanotropins as growth factors. Conference of the New York Academy of Sciences, Rouen, Normandy, France.
Strand, F.L., Zuccarelli, L.A., Lee, T.S., Lee, S.J., Antonawich, F.J. (1992) Effects of ACTH neuropeptides on developing and regenerating motor systems. International Meeting on Strategies for Studying CNS Active Compounds: Models, Screens and Clinical Syndromes, Madrid, Spain.
Alves, S.E., Akbari, H.M., Antonawich, F.J., Azmitia, E.C., Strand, F.L. (1991) Effects of postnatal administration of ACTH and nicotine on reproductive parameters of the female rat. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #634.6, 17:1594.
Antonawich, F.J., Strand, F.L. (1990) Alterations in rotational and open-field behavior following 6-OHDA lesioning of the substantia nigra and administration of Org 2766. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract #479.12, 16:1157.
Krishnan, C.V., Garnett, M., Antonawich, F. (2011) Multispectrum Nontoxic Chemotherapeutic Agents. Integrative Cancer Therapies. (chapter).
Antonawich, F.J. (1994) The acute neurotrophic effects of an ACTH 4-9 analog, Org 2766, following nigrostriatal 6-OHDA lesioning. F.J. Antonawich (Ed.), New York University, Ph.D. thesis.
Antonawich, F.J., Alves, S.E., Lee, S.J., Williams, K.A., Tolvo, A., Strand, F.L. (1993) Experiments in general and human physiology: A laboratory manual. L.A. Zuccarelli, F.J. Antonawich, F.L. Strand (Eds.), LPNE Publications, New York, N.Y.