Dr. Merrill Garnett
1. C. V. Krishnan and M. Garnett, Electrochemical Behavior of the Super Antioxidant, α-Lipoc Acid, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 6, 3607-3630 (2011)
2. C. Krishnan, M.Garnett, B. Chu, Admittace as a useful tool for investigation of solute-solvent interactions at the double layer, Electrochem. Commun., 11 (2009) 2229
3. M.Garnett, C.V.Krishnan, B.Jones, Paramagnetic Doping of DNA Forms Spin Lattice Films, 315th Meeting Electrochem.Soc. (2009)
4. M.Garnett, C.Krishnan, B.Jones, Electronic Oscillation of DNA Induced by Palladium-Lipoic Acid (PLA), Meet.Abstr. Electrochem.Soc. 801, 497 (2008)
5. O.Corduneanu, A.-M. Chiorcea-Paquim, M.Garnett, A.M.Oliveira-Brett, Lipoic Acid-palladium complex interaction with DNA, voltammetric, AFM characterization, Talanta (2008), doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2008.10.046
6. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett, B.Chu, Int.J.Electrochem.Sci., 3, 854 (2008)
7. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett,, B.Chu, Int.J.Electrochem.Sci., 3, 873 (2008)
8. O.Cordeanu, M.Garnett, A.M.O.Brett, Anodic Oxidation of Alpha-Lipoic Acid at a Glassy carbon Electrode and its Determination in Dietary Supplements, Analytic letters,40:1763-1778 (2007)
9. M.Garnett, C.Krishnan, B.Jones, Digoxin-Nucleic Acid Oscillations, Meet. Abstr. Electrochem.Soc. 701, 457 (2007)
10. M.Garnett, C.V.Krishnan, B.Jones, Low Frequency Molecular Oscillator, 57th Ann. Meeting Int’l Soc.Electrochem., Ab. S8P22, (2007)
11. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett, B.Chu, Solute-Solvent Interactions from Admittance Measurements: Potential Induced and Water Structure Enforced Ion-Pair Formation, Int’l J. Electrochem.Sci., 2, 958 (2007)
12. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett, B.Hsaio, B.Chu, Electrochemical Measurements of Isopoly-oxomolybdates: 1. pH Dependent behavior of Sodium Molybdate, Int.J.Electrochem.Sci. 2, 29 (2007)
13. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett,B.Chu, Spatiotemporal Oscillations in Peroxo-Molybdate Complexes in Acidic Solutions: Impedance Measurementsof H2Mo2O3(O-O)4(H2O)2, Int.J.Electrochem.Sci., 2,444 (2007)
14. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett, Spatio-temporal Oscillations in Biological Molecules: 3. Histidine, 58th Ann.Meeting Int’l.Soc.Electrochem., Banff,, Canada (2007)
15. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett, B.Chu, Solute-Solvent Interactions Near the Double Layer from Admittance measurements, 7th Int’l Symp. Electrochem.. Impedance Spectroscopy, France (2007)
16. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett, Examining Solute-Solvent Interactions at the Electrode Double layer by Impedance Measurements of Tetraalkylammonium Ions, 211th Meeting Electrochem.Soc., Chicago (2007)
17. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett, New Insight into the Double Layer Structure from Impedance. Measurements: Implications for Biological Systems, Electrochimica Acta , 51-1541 (2006)
18. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett, Liquid crystal behavior in solutions, electrode passivation, and impedance loci in four quadrants, in: Passivation of Metals and Semiconductors, and Properties of Thin Oxide layers, P.Marcus & V.Maurice, (Eds.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 389-394 (2006)
19. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett, Examining Solute-Solvent Interactions at the Electrode Double Layer by Impedance Measurements of Proteins: 1. Collagen, Int.J.Electrochem. Sci., 1, 215 (2006)
20. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett, B.Chu, Spatio-temporal Oscillations in Biological Molecules: 4.Molybdate-Flavin Adenine Dinuceotide Interaction, 210th meeting Electrochem.Soc., Cancun Mexico, (2006)
21. C.V.Krishnan, M.Garnett, Spatio-temporal Oscillations in Biological Molecules: 3. Lysine and its Electronic influence on Gene expression, 57th Ann.meeting Int.Soc. Electrochem., Edinburgh (2006)
22. M. Garnett, C. V. Krishnan, and B. Chu, The Role of Hydrogen Peroxide in Evolution Evidence from Impedance Measurements, 209th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Denver, Colorado, (2006)
23. C. V. Krishnan, M. Garnett, and B. Chu, Spatio-temporal Oscillations in Biological Molecules: 2. Hydrogen Peroxide and Parkinson’s Disease, 209th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Denver, 2006
24. C. V. Krishnan, M. Garnett, and B. Chu, Spatiotemporal Oscillations in Peroxo-Molybdate Complexes: 1. Impedance Measurements of H2Mo2O3(O-O)4(H2O)2, 54th Meeting, International Society of Electrochemistry, Singapore, 2006
25. C.V. Krishnan and M.Garnett, Spatiotemporal Oscillations in Biological Molecules: 1. DNA-Lysine, The 56th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Busan, Korea, 2005
26. M.Garnett, C.V.Krishnan, Biological Nano-Circulation By Radical Induced Dual Polarization, 207th Meet. Ab. Electrochem.Soc. 501, 1654 (2006)
27. C. V. Krishnan and M. Garnett, Electrochemical impedance measurements for studying biological oscillations, 230th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington D.C., 2005
28. C. V. Krishnan and M. Garnett, Liquid Crystal Behavior in Solutions, Electrode Passivation, and Impedance Locus in Four Quadrants, Abstract #67, 9th International Symposium on the Passivation of Metals and Semiconductors, and the Properties of Thin Oxide Layers, Paris 2005
29. C. V. Krishnan and M.Garnett, Impedance Measurements of Liquid Crystal. Proteins: 1. Collagen, XVIIIth International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics and 3rd Spring Meeting of Bioelectrochemistry, Coimbra, Portugal, 2005
30. C. V. Krishnan and M.Garnett, Impedance Measurements of Liquid Crystal Proteins: 2. Prothrombin, XVIIIth International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics and 3rd Spring Meeting of Bioelectrochemistry, Coimbra, Portugal, 2005
31. C. V. Krishnan and M.Garnett, Modulation of Impedance in DNA Solutions by Ions and Molecules: 2. Effect of Tetraalkyl Ammonium Ions, 207th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Quebec, Canada, 2005
32. M. Garnett and C. V. Krishnan, Biologiocal Nano-Circulation by Radical Induced Dual Polarization, 207th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Quebec, Canada, 2005
33. M.Garnett, C.V.Krishnan, B.Jones, Periodicity in liquid crystal lattices, American Physical Society Meeting, Abstract U13.00006, Tampa, Florida, April 2005
34. C. V. Krishnan and M.Garnett, submitted : Molybdate-small molecule interactions: 1. Impedance measurements of molybdate-EDTA complexes, 229th American Chemical Society National Meeting, SanDiego, Abstract No. Inor, 2005.
35. M. Garnett and C. V. Krishnan, Bioinorganic Complexes as Nutritional Supplements and as Chemotherapy Agents, 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Preventive Oncology, Abstract 65, San Francisco, 2005
36. M. Garnett and C. V. Krishnan, Liquid Crystal Signaling Routes to Drug Discovery and Therapy, Molecular Targets for Cancer Therapy, Third Biennial Meeting of H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, St. Petersberg Beach, Florida, Abstract No. 22, 2004
37. C. V. Krishnan, M. Garnett, B. Hsiao, and B. Chu: Electrochemical measurements of isopolyoxomolybdates 1. pH dependent behavior of sodium molybdate, 228th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, Abstract No. Inor 485, 2004.
38. C. V. Krishnan, M. Garnett, J. Chen, C. Burger, B. Hsiao, and B. Chu, Electrochemical and X-ray measurements of isopolyoxomolybdates: 2. Mono, di, and heptaoxymolybdates, 228th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, Abstract No. Inor 742, 2004
39. C.V. Krishnan, and M. Garnett, Enhancement of the DNA π-way by intercalation, 228th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, Abstract No. Biol 46, 2004
40. C.V.Krishnan, and M.Garnett, New Insight Into the Double Layer Structure from Impedance Measurements: Implications for Biological Systems, Presented at the 6th International Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Session TB2, Biomedical and Biological Systems, Cocoa Beach, Florida, 2004
41. M.Garnett, and C.V.Krishnan, DNA Tunnel Diode Behavior, Presented at the 205th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Texas, Abstract No. 740 (2004)
42. C.V.Krishnan, and M.Garnett, Solute-Solvent Interactions from Impedance Measurements: Concentration Dependence of DNA, Presented at the 205th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Texas, Abstract No. 739(2004)
43. M.Garnett, and C.V.Krishnan, Peroxide Doping of DNA Enables Dissipative Impedance, 204th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Orlando, Florida, Abstract No. 1379(2003)
44. C.V.Krishnan, and M.Garnett, Modulation of Impedance in DNA Solutions by Ions and Molecules: 1. Effect of Alkali Metal Ions, 204th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Orlando, Abstract No. 1378(2003)
45. M.Garnett, and C.V.Krishnan, A New Model For DNA Charge Transfer: Variable Electronic Circuitry, 204th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Orlando, Abstract No. 1377(2003)
46. C.V.Krishnan, and M.Garnett, Duplex semiconductor behavior of mercury electrode in aqueous solutions, 226th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Abstract No. Inor. 0028(2003)
47. C.V.Krishnan, and M.Garnett, Dopant Catalyzed Charge Dissipation In A Liquid Crystal, 203rd Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Paris, Abstract No. 2703(2003)
48. C.V.Krishnan, and M.Garnett, Dissipative Impedance in a Doped Liquid Crystal, 1st Spring Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Spain, Abstract No. P06(2003)
49. M.Garnett, and C.V.Krishnan, Pulsed Electrospinning of Biopolymers, 201st Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, Abstract No. 78(2002)
50. M.Garnett, and J.L.Remo, Mesophase Interaction Between Biological Polymers, 200th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, Abstract No. 1132(2001)
51. M.Garnett and J.L.Remo, DNA Reductase: A Synthetic Enzyme with Opportunist Clinical Activity Against Radiation Sickness, International Symposium on Applied Enzymes in Chemical and Biological Defense, DARPA, p.41(2001)
52. M.Garnett, and J.L. Remo, Increased Pseudoinductance in Paired Mixtures of Biopolymers is a Model for Twin Wire Mutual Inductance in RNA and DNA, 198th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, Abstract No. 1152(2000)
53. M. Garnett and J.L.Remo, Soluble Sensors of Telephonic Signals, in: Microfabricated Systems and Mems V, Electrochemical Society proceedings, 185(2000)
54. M. Garnett, and W. Garnett, Impedance Spectroscopy of DNA, The 9th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July(1999), Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 74, 136(1999)
55. W. Garnett, and M. Garnett, Charge relay from Molybdate Oxyradical to Palladium- Lipoic Complex to DNA, University of Minnesota Conference on Oxygen Intermediates in Nonheme Metallobiochemistry, 81(1996)
56. M. Garnett, Synthetic DNA Reductase, J.Inorg. Biochem, 59, 231(1995)
57. M. Garnett, Electrogenic Effect of a Synthetic Oxygen Carrier, J.Cell Biol., 43, 42a(1969)
58. M. Garnett, A Laboratory Model for Heterochromatin, J.Cell Biol., 35, 44 (1967)
1. M. Garnett, Ruthenium-Sphingomyelin Complexes and Methods for their use in the Treatment of Tumors., U.S. Patent, No. 10,472,379 B2 (Nov. 2019).
2. Garnett, M. (2017) Pd-Ru-Zn-Organo Complexes and Methods for their Use in the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases, US Patent, No. US 9,605,012 B2, Mar.28, (2017)
3. M. Garnett, Palladium Complexes and Methods for Using same in the Treatment of Psoriasis, U.S.Patent, No. 5,776,973, July 7, (1998)
4. M. Garnett, Palladium Complexes and Methods for Using same in the Treatment of Tumors, U.S.Patent, No. 5,679,697, Oct.21, (1997)
5. M. Garnett, Palladium Complexes and Methods for Using Same in the Treatment of Tumors and Psoriasis, U.S.Patent, No. 5,463,093, Oct.31(1995)