Analysis of an Immune Crystal Garden
Nov 2022
Abs. -
Floral crystal patterns arise in ruthenium immune complexes designed to transfer charge into the nucleosomes of tumor cells. The images guide our search for agents of therapeutic gene compress...
Evidence for the Reduction of Histone as the Mechanism of Action of Toroglobulin
Nov 2019
Two methods describing the Histone Reductase Reaction by Toroglobulin (Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Mar.2017 Meeting, B4, New Orleans) (2), are illustrated. The first is electron spin resonance, which suppor...
Mitochondrial benefit after Radiation
Jul 2017
Dr. Marjan Boerma's lab completed a 2016 study entitled "Late administration of a palladium lipoic acid complex (POLY-MVA) modifies cardiac mitochondria but not functional or structural manifestations...
Developed by Dr. Merrill Garnett: WHAT IS Rejeneril?
Jul 2015
Palladium Lipoic Acid Complex (PdLA) is the most active ingredient in the REJENERIL family of dietary supplements. In the palladium lipoic acid complex, the element palladium is covalently bound to th...
The SCIENCE behind the “REJENERIL” family of products.
Jul 2015
Scientific studies have demonstrated statistically significant elevations in Krebs Cycle enzymatic activity and electron transport chain complexes in aged-animal cell mitochondria; leading the scienti...
Enhancing the Body’s Natural Energy Site
Jul 2015
An article was published by Sudheesh et al. (2009) demonstrating the ability of Palladium Lipoic Acid Complex (PdLA) formulation to increase cellular energy production at the mitochondria. Aged rodent...
Rejeneril-A for fatigue: SAFETY & EFFICACY facts sheet
Jul 2015
Health Professionals: Please find attached the safety and efficacy facts sheet for this targeted energy supplement....
Potent Anti-Oxidant Activity
Jul 2015
An article was published by Sudheesh et al. (2009) demonstrating the ability of Palladium Lipoic Acid Complex (PdLA) formulation to increase cellular energy production at the mitochondria. Aged rodent...
Radiation Protection
Jul 2015
Over the past 3 years additional laboratories have published peer-reviewed radiation studies demonstrating the ability of the palladium lipoic acid complex formulation (PdLA) to provide:-DNA protectio...
Brain Energy
Jul 2015
Additional work by Ajith et al. (2014) found that Palladium Lipoic Acid Complex (PdLA) formulation can enhance energy production in the aged brain and protect form oxidative damage....